An ophthalmologist is a physician and a surgeon that deals with the anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the eyeball and orbit. Here is a list of some of the common conditions and procedures handled by an ophthalmologist:
Cataract is clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye leading to blurry vision. When it starts affecting vision, cataracts are removed surgically followed by implantation of an artificial lens.
Will I still need to wear glasses after CATARACT surgery ?
There are monofocal lenses and multifocal lenses. The monofocal lens focuses at one distance which is usually set for your distance vision but you would need reading glasses. Multifocal lenses are considered "premium lenses" that have both a near and a distance focus out of the same lens so the need for reading glasses is reduced and both eyes see both far and near.
Dry eyes
Dry eye disease affects approximately 10% of people. It is caused by an unhealthy tear film and can create many symptoms such as redness, burning, foreign body sensation, tearing and blurry vision. The condition can be mild but can also cause a significant problem with the eyes and vision. There are several treatment options that you can discuss with your ophthalmologist.
Strabismus is any misalignment of the eyes. There are many different types and causes of strabismus. It can affect kids as well as adults. Treatment aims to improve eye alignment and usually involves eyeglasses, eye exercises, prism, and/or eye muscle surgery.

Glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve that is usually caused by high pressure in the eye. It affects the peripheral visual field and slowly causes constriction in the field until people end up with “tunnel vision” prior to losing their central sight. Treatment usually involves eye drops, laser procedures, and sometimes surgery. The disease doesn’t cause pain or symptoms early on but in most instances is detected during an ophthalmologic evaluation.
Age-related macular degeneration
This condition is caused by damage to the macula that is responsible for central vision leading to blurry vision. Treatment depends on the type of macular degeneration present. Some people might require injections inside the eye and others require close follow-up.